onsdag 25 september 2019

“C++ is an horrible language. Even if the choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out, that in itself would be a huge reason to use C.”

Linus Torvalds

Source: hackersays.com 

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Seven (or eight) reasons to use test driven development

  • It helps you to break down problems into manageable segments before a line of code has been written.
  • If you can write a test for it you also have some idea of the results that you're expecting.
  • If you have some idea of the results you understand the specification of the software that you're writing.
  • Once you're satisfied that a test has been passed you can move onto the next problem, i.e. writing the next test case.
  • You both understand and are familiar with all the important specifications and therefore are these not likely to change.
  • Test cases is in one way equal to the most important and shortest comment blocks (if they are really necessary).
  • You don't like to spend lots of time debugging.
  • You have the opinion that smarter and normally (in comparison to others that have more or less the same result) shorter source code means that you're more productive.